Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Quarter in Review

We're three months into 2011, and here's the proof! From bottom to top, these are the novels I read and blogged about from January through March: Wuthering Heights, The Three Musketeers, The Scarlet Letter, Treasure Island, Oliver Twist, Pride and Prejudice, Silas Marner, Crime and Punishment, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Great Expectations, The Pioneers, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Mrs. Dalloway.

And, for those who are interested, I have acquired these books in three different ways: gift (do I need to explain that one?), thrift (bought it secondhand) or swift (the speed with which I forked over the cash-in person or online-when buying a brand new book).  From bottom to top: gift, thrift, thrift, swift, swift, gift, thrift, thrift, thrift, swift, gift, thrift, thrift. All of those works were already on my shelf when I began this blog on January 1, 2011, except the top two, which I picked up recently.

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